사용자 도구

사이트 도구


Papers In preparation

  • Namsoo Oh, Haneol Lee, Jiseong Shin, Youngjin Choi, Kyu-Jin Cho, and Hugo Rodrigue, “Hybrid Hard-Soft Robotic Joint and Robotic Arm Based on Pneumatic Origami Chambers”, revised, TMECH, 2024.

Submitted Papers

  • Minchang Sung, Youngjin Choi, Jonghoon Park, and Wan Kyun Chung, “Algorithmic MDH Modeling for Robotic Manipulators using Line Geometry,” submitted, TRO, 2023. (민군 34%, 착용형 33%, 커넥터 33%)
  • Yuna Choi, Jaehyun Kim, Gwangyeol Cha, Youngjin Choi, and Changhun Lee, “Parameter Estimation-based Prediction the Stage of Osteoporosis with Ultrasound Bone Densitometer,” submitted, Scientific Reports, 2024.

Revised Papers

  • Yuna Choi, Daehun Lee, and Youngjin Choi, “Gait Environments Recognition using Gaussian Process Regression Model-based CoP Trajectory for Wearable Robot Applications,” revised, Intelligent Service Robotics, 2023. (착용형 50%, 민군 50%, 수정 예정)
  • Sajjad Manzoor, Yibo Wang, Kyungtae Kim, Qiang Lu, and Youngjin Choi, “Design and Analysis of Single Motor-driven Deployable Grasping Mechanism for Non-cooperative Space Debries,” revised, TMECH, 2024. (한양대학교 100%)
  • Target Tracking Control of an Autonomous UAV in Unknown Environments”, revised, TII, 2024

Accepted Papers

  • Junsik Kim, Yuna Choi, Youngjin Choi, Donghoon Son, Alejandro Astudillo, Jan Swevers, Jonghoon Park, and Daehee Won, “Axis Kinematics Algorithm for Satellite Manipulator System in Orbital Motion”, accepted, 2024 International Conference on Space Robotics, June, 2024. (민군 50%, 벨기에 50%)
  • Junsik Kim, Gwangyeol Cha, Minchang Sung, Youngjin Choi, Alejandro Astudillo, and Jan Swevers, “Optimization-based Application Point Determination of External Wrench for Gravity Compensation of Space Manipulator”, accepted, 2024 International Conference on Space Robotics, June, 2024. (민군 50%, 벨기에 50%)
  • Jiayu Chai, Qiang Lu, Yang Yue, Xiong Bai, and Youngjin Choi, “Distributed Multi-Objective Fixed-time Optimization Algorithm Applied to Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems”, accepted, 43rd Chinese Control Conference (CCC), July 2024.
  • Jonghyeok Kim, Donghyeon Lee, Seohyun Choi, Youngjin Choi, and Wan Kyun Chung, “Lie Group-Based User Motion Refinement Control for Teleoperation of a Constrained Robot Arm”, accepted, RAL+IROS, 2024.

Online Published Papers

과제 제안서 제출 (심사중)

  1. 과학기술정보통신부 글로벌기초연구실지원사업, “우주환경 위성로봇 임무 거동모사 글로벌 기초연구실”, (3년) 연구비 : 300,000,000원, 연구기간 : 2024년 8월 1일~ 2027년 4월 30일, 지원기관명 : 한국연구재단, (연구책임자, 20%) (1차년도: 100,000,000원) (김선홍)
  2. 과학기술정보통신부 탑-티어연구기관간협력플랫폼구축및공동연구지원사업, “인간과 동등 수준의 협업능력을 갖는 고난도 자율조작 로봇 기술 확보를 위한 국제 공동 연구 및 협력플랫폼 구축”, (10년) 연구비 : 6,000,000,000원, 연구기간 : 2024년 7월 1일~ 2033년 12월 31일, 지원기관명 : 한국연구재단, (공동연구원 10%) (1차년도: 600,000,000원) (차광열)
  3. ITRC, “군집 자율”, (8년) 연구비 : 375,000,000원, 연구기간 : 2024년 7월 1일~ 2031년 12월 31일, 지원기관명 :, (3책5공 해당사항 없음 5%) (1차년도: 25,000,000원) (최유나)
whatsnew.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2024/04/28 10:22 저자 hyubiorobotics