Yuna Choi, Daehun Lee, Sajjad Manzoor, and Youngjin Choi, “Design and Analysis of Tensegrity-based Sensor Mechanism with Dual Functionality for Hybrid Hip Exoskeleton,” in preparation, RAL, 2025 (착용형 34%, 민군 33%, 한양대 33%)
Geonho Park, Junsik Kim, Minchang Sung, and Youngjin Choi, “Virtual Closed-chain Dynamics-based Hybrid Motion-Force Control,” in preparation, RAL, 2025 (커넥터 50%, 민군 50%)
Submitted Papers
Minchang Sung and Youngjin Choi, “Algorithmic MDH Modeling for Robotic Manipulators using Line Geometry,” submitted, Applied Sciences, 2025 (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%)
Hyun-Ki Lee, Hyun-Joo Lee, Jin-Gyu Lee, Jong-Gyeong Lee, Jung-hoon Kim, Jong-Pil Yoon, and Youngjin Choi, “Comparative study of individual hand sensation assessment tool with active von Frey filament test according to visual stimulus,” submitted, Perception, 2025
HanEol Lee, Junsik Kim, and Youngjin Choi, “Dynamics and Control of Reaction Wheel CubeSat System based on Principle of Dynamical Balance,” submitted, UR, 2025. (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%)
Yifang Shi, Huiling Chen, Lingjiao Fu, Dongliang Peng, Qiang Lv, Youngjin Choi, and Alfonso Farina, “Generalized Conditional PCRLB Fully Accounting for Geometry-Dependent Target Measurement Uncertainty,” submitted, IEEE TAES, 2025.
Junsik Kim, Minchang Sung, Sunhong Kim, and Youngjin Choi, “Analytical Computation of Gradient and Hessian for Three Types of Manipulability Measures,” submitted, ISR, 2025. (민군 34%, 커넥터 33%, 핸드 33%)
Fan Yang, Qiang Lu, Jianxiao Lin, Botao Zhang, and Youngjin Choi, “Distributed Autonomous Safe Flight Planning for Multiple UAVs in Unknown Environments,” submitted, IROS, 2025.
Junsik Kim, Minchang Sung, Qiang Lu, and Youngjin Choi, “Analytical Hessian Computation of Manipulability for Kinematically Redundant Manipulators,” submitted, IROS, 2025. (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%)
“RGPB-Tracker: A Real-Time GP-B-Spline Motion Planning Tracker for Dynamic Target Tracking,” submitted, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2024.
Revised Papers
Jiayu Chai, Qiang Lu, Na Huang, Yang Yue, Botao Zhang, and Youngjin Choi, “High Quality Dynamic-Triggering-Based Tracking Control for Multiagent Systems,” revised, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2025.
Jonghyeok Kim, Minchang Sung, Youngjin Choi, Jonghoon Park, and Wan Kyun Chung, “Impedance Control Design Framework using Commutative Map between SE(3) and se(3),” revised, TRO, 2024.
Accepted Papers
Gwangyeol Cha, Sunhong Kim, and Youngjin Choi, “Kinematic Modeling of PAM-based 3-UPS Parallel Robot Module using String Encoders,” accepted, Intelligent Service Robotics, 2025. (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%)
Jonghyeok Kim, Youngjin Choi, Jonghoon Park, and Wan Kyun Chung, “A Passive Recursive Newton Euler Algorithm and Its Application to Inverse Dynamics under Passivity-based Controller,” International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), pp. xxx-xxx, Apr., 2025. (민군 50%)
Junsik Kim, Kyungtae Kim, Daehee Won, and Youngjin Choi, “Impedance-loading Method for Dynamic Modeling of Flexible Robotic System based on Principle of Dynamical Balance,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), pp. xxx-xxx, Apr., 2025. (민군 50%, 핸드 50%)
김준식, 김선홍, 최영진, “운동량 보존에 기반한 자유 부유 우주 매니퓰레이터를 위한 비선형 모델 예측 제어”, 로봇학회논문지, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. xxx-xxx, Jun., , 2025. (민군 100%)
이대훈, 최유나, 최영진, “구형 가위 메커니즘을 활용한 고관절 착용형 로봇의 작업 공간 분석”, 로봇학회논문지, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. xxx-xxx, Jun., 2024. (착용형 50%, 민군 50%)
Online Published Papers
Fan Yang, Qiang Lu, Na Huang, Botao Zhang, and Youngjin Choi, “Target Tracking Control of an Autonomous UAV in Unknown Environments,” early access, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2025. (민군 25%) [Link]