** Papers In preparation ** * Yuna Choi, Daehun Lee, Sajjad Manzoor, and Youngjin Choi, "**Design and Analysis of Tensegrity-based Sensor Mechanism with Dual Functionality for Hybrid Hip Exoskeleton**," in preparation, RAL, 2025 (착용형 34%, 민군 33%, 한양대 33%) * Geonho Park, Junsik Kim, Minchang Sung, and Youngjin Choi, "**Virtual Closed-chain Dynamics-based Hybrid Motion-Force Control**," in preparation, RAL, 2025 (커넥터 50%, 민군 50%) ** Submitted Papers ** * Minchang Sung and Youngjin Choi, "**Algorithmic MDH Modeling for Robotic Manipulators using Line Geometry**," submitted, Applied Sciences, 2025 (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%) * Hyun-Ki Lee, Hyun-Joo Lee, Jin-Gyu Lee, Jong-Gyeong Lee, Jung-hoon Kim, Jong-Pil Yoon, and Youngjin Choi, "**Comparative study of individual hand sensation assessment tool with active von Frey filament test according to visual stimulus**," submitted, Perception, 2025 * HanEol Lee, Junsik Kim, and Youngjin Choi, "**Dynamics and Control of Reaction Wheel CubeSat System based on Principle of Dynamical Balance**," submitted, UR, 2025. (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%) * Yifang Shi, Huiling Chen, Lingjiao Fu, Dongliang Peng, Qiang Lv, Youngjin Choi, and Alfonso Farina, "**Generalized Conditional PCRLB Fully Accounting for Geometry-Dependent Target Measurement Uncertainty**," submitted, IEEE TAES, 2025. * Junsik Kim, Minchang Sung, Sunhong Kim, and Youngjin Choi, "**Analytical Computation of Gradient and Hessian for Three Types of Manipulability Measures**," submitted, ISR, 2025. (민군 34%, 커넥터 33%, 핸드 33%) * Fan Yang, Qiang Lu, Jianxiao Lin, Botao Zhang, and Youngjin Choi, "**Distributed Autonomous Safe Flight Planning for Multiple UAVs in Unknown Environments**," submitted, IROS, 2025. * Junsik Kim, Minchang Sung, Qiang Lu, and Youngjin Choi, "**Analytical Hessian Computation of Manipulability for Kinematically Redundant Manipulators**," submitted, IROS, 2025. (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%) * "**RGPB-Tracker: A Real-Time GP-B-Spline Motion Planning Tracker for Dynamic Target Tracking**," submitted, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2024. ** Revised Papers ** * Jiayu Chai, Qiang Lu, Na Huang, Yang Yue, Botao Zhang, and Youngjin Choi, "**High Quality Dynamic-Triggering-Based Tracking Control for Multiagent Systems**," revised, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2025. * Jonghyeok Kim, Minchang Sung, Youngjin Choi, Jonghoon Park, and Wan Kyun Chung, "**Impedance Control Design Framework using Commutative Map between SE(3) and se(3)**," revised, TRO, 2024. ** Accepted Papers ** * Gwangyeol Cha, Sunhong Kim, and Youngjin Choi, "**Kinematic Modeling of PAM-based 3-UPS Parallel Robot Module using String Encoders**," accepted, Intelligent Service Robotics, 2025. (민군 50%, 커넥터 50%) * Jonghyeok Kim, Youngjin Choi, Jonghoon Park, and Wan Kyun Chung, "**A Passive Recursive Newton Euler Algorithm and Its Application to Inverse Dynamics under Passivity-based Controller**," International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), pp. xxx-xxx, Apr., 2025. (민군 50%) * Junsik Kim, Kyungtae Kim, Daehee Won, and Youngjin Choi, "**Impedance-loading Method for Dynamic Modeling of Flexible Robotic System based on Principle of Dynamical Balance**," International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), pp. xxx-xxx, Apr., 2025. (민군 50%, 핸드 50%) * 김준식, 김선홍, 최영진, "**운동량 보존에 기반한 자유 부유 우주 매니퓰레이터를 위한 비선형 모델 예측 제어**", 로봇학회논문지, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. xxx-xxx, Jun., , 2025. (민군 100%) * 이대훈, 최유나, 최영진, "**구형 가위 메커니즘을 활용한 고관절 착용형 로봇의 작업 공간 분석**", 로봇학회논문지, vol. 20, No. 2, pp. xxx-xxx, Jun., 2024. (착용형 50%, 민군 50%) ** Online Published Papers ** * Fan Yang, Qiang Lu, Na Huang, Botao Zhang, and Youngjin Choi, "**Target Tracking Control of an Autonomous UAV in Unknown Environments**," early access, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2025. (민군 25%) [[ https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10908716 | [Link]]]